We represent companies such as Hurst Boiler & Welding, Oilon High Efficiency burners, Watson McDaniel steam specialties, Schebler chimney systems, Turnbull industrial coils, Albany fuel pump systems, A.I.C. heat exchangers, Spirax Sarco Canada and other well recognized manufacturer’s. Our commitment is to provide quality products & services at competitive prices. S.C. DeLong Sales Inc. is not satisfied until our customers are satisfied.

4 Pass Vertical Tube & Tubeless Boilers
2,3 & 4 Pass Firetube Boilers

Butterfly valves
Globe valves

Pressure Reducing & Regulating Valves
Air Eliminators, Vents & Liquid Drainers

Custom Tanks

Low water content
Boiler monitoring & control
Water treatment

3-Way Valves
Gate Valves
Control Valves

Vent Silencers
Engine Silencers
Rotary Blower Silencers
Air Filter and Filter Silencers
Centrifugal Blower & Fans

Steam Traps & repair kit
Clean steam traps & repair kits
Pressure & temperature regulators
Electric and pneumatic control valves
Pressure powered and Electric condensate boosters
Instantaneous water heaters
Flash, blowdown and heat recovery tanks / systems
Steam silencers and moisture separators
Gate, globe and ball valves

Automated Wood Chip & Biomass BoilersRanges 30-4500+ KW / 100,000 – 15.4M + BTU’s/hr
PTO. Electric & Diesel Driven

Electric Steam Boilers
Electric Hot Water Boilers
Electric Hot Water Heaters


Unit Heaters

Vertical Multistage Feedwater Pumps
End Suction Pumps
Close Coupled Pumps
Submersible Pumps
High Efficiency Smart Circulator pumps
Stainless Steel Well Pumps
Submersible mixers
Spare Parts
Manhole & Handhole Gaskets
Boiler Rope & Gaskets